ICSM Latest News
- The Twenty Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, with the theme "Translational Science Transforming Cardiovascular Medicine", and a joint session with Hong Kong College of Cardiology on "Journey of Chest Pain" will be held on Saturday 4th November 2023 at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong with the support of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, and the Heart and Vascular Institute, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Through this meeting, we hope to enhance our understanding of cardiovascular diseases, stimulate new and exciting areas of research in artificial intelligence, and encourage further collaboration between basic and clinical researchers throughout the region. We are delighted to invite you to participate in this exciting meeting.
- Visit the meeting website for more details.
- Sun Chieh Yeh Heart Foundation Research GrantThe Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine (ICSM), University of Hong Kong, has received a generous donation from the Sun Chieh Yeh Heart Foundation to foster research in cardiovascular diseases. ICSM is now calling for applications for small grants for research projects relevant to cardiovascular diseases from post-doctoral fellows or above. Applications from postgraduate and undergraduate students are welcome but the supervisor must be a co-applicant. Supported projects can be in basic science or in clinical medicine.The maximum funding for each project is HK$ 100,000, but the amount awarded will depend on the quality of the proposal and the number of excellent applications received. The duration of the project is normally one year; extension to a maximum of two years can be granted subject to a satisfactory interim report. Successful applicants should submit a written report within 3 months upon completion of the funded project.To encourage researchers new to cardiovascular research, track record and preliminary data are not pre-requisites. The applications will be evaluated in terms of scientific merit, feasibility and value.This grant is administered by the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine. The completed application form together with other supplementary documents should be submitted to icsm [at] hku [dot] hk on or before 31st July 2019. The application form can be downloaded here (Excel file).The terms of reference can be downloaded here (pdf file).